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Join BAG or Renew Membership


Benefits of membership:

  • Receive email announcements and reminders of all Book Arts Guild events

  • Attend monthly lectures and occasional tours or studio visits

  • Receive a discount on workshop registrations

  • Network with other members

  • Enjoy being a part of the book arts community

  • Make it possible to continue to offer free in-person and online presentations by supporting our website hosting and associated connection programs (i.e., Zoom, email, YouTube, etc) and at the same time paying our presenters for the time they spend preparing for and giving the excellent presentations we all enjoy.

The Book Arts Guild membership year is from January-December. New members who join after October 1 will be considered paid through the following calendar year. 

To join the Book Arts Guild, or to renew your membership, do one of the following:


Complete and submit the membership form on this page. OR:


Download the membership form, complete it, and then mail the form and a check for $25 payable to the Book Arts Guild to:

Book Arts Guild

P.O. Box 31632

Seattle, WA 98103

We ask renewing members to complete the Membership Form annually to ensure that we have current contact information for all members.


If you have questions about membership in the Guild please email the Book Arts Guild Secretary at

With your membership, your email address will be added to the distribution list for meeting announcements (1-2 per month). You can easily unsubscribe anytime.

This is a:
Please include my info in a membership directory:
Use this button for membership
Use this button to
Donate with PayPal

     Our current dues aren't actually covering our annual expenses, but rather than repeated dues increases, we're hoping those who can donate will do so and help keep the Guild activities accessible to all. 

     Our apologies, but we couldn't add a donation option to the membership enrollment without creating a whole new form/page (website builders we are not!), so donations require a separate action. Thank you to everyone who comes back to this page and uses the yellow button to help us meet Guild expenses and celebrate the book arts!

Membership Form

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