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Book Arts Happenings: Nov-Dec 2022

Here are some local book arts events in the next few months

Now – Feb 15, 2023

Sherry Grover Gallery at the Bainbridge Island Museum of Art

"These works from the Cynthia Sears Artist’s Books Collection bend convention, break tradition, and steer a bold course for the future of artist’s books."

(Parking and admission are free!)

(image of Julie Chen's book from BIMA)

Trees of the West: an Artist's Guide

Now – December 5, 2022

Elisabeth C. Miller Library at the UW Center for Urban Horticulture

The Miller Library is hosting an exhibit of paintings and prints by Molly Hashimoto from her new book, Trees of the West: an Artist's Guide. The exhibit is open during regular library hours.

(Parking and admission are free!)

(image from library's announcement)

PSBA Lunchtime Series: Conversations with Book Artists

Thursday, November 17h, 12 noon (pacific time)

Puget Sound Book Artists is hosting a series of casual conversations with book artists. To kickoff this new series, the first guest is printmaker and book artist Steve Miller of Red Hydra Press, the Penland School of Craft, and emeritus professor from the University of Alabama's Book Arts Program. The conversation is free, online and open to all, but pre-registration is required. More details about the guest and registration can be found HERE

Book Arts Guild - December 8, 2022: Tess Lenoir from Day Moon Press presentation about boldly going where no one has gone letterpress. In her personal work Tess gravitates towards anything commercial jobs don’t tend to demand—unfashionable colors, increasingly finicky setups, and unwieldy forms of handset type.

This presentation will be online. Look for an emailed announcement and registration details soon.

The Book Arts Guild Show and Tell will be back in January, tentatively January 12th, 2023. More details to come, but think about preparing a short video showing off work you've done recently. You can watch last year's presentations HERE.


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