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Poem. Press. Print. - July 2022

Thursday, July 14, 2022 7-9 pm Pacific

On-line presentation of the Book Arts Guild


Here is the recording of Ellie's presentation:

You may not know this, but most of the poetry broadsides produced for Copper Canyon Press are printed by one of two Book Arts Guild members. This evening we will have a presentation by long-time independent printer, Ellie Mathews of The North Press in Port Townsend.

What is a broadside you ask? Ellie explains, A broadside is a single sheet of paper, generally printed on one side only, and intended for display. Historically, broadsides were made as announcements, proclamations, and advertisements. With the resurgence of interest in letterpress and other printing techniques, broadsides have emerged as a satisfying approach to incorporating the written word with fine art methods.

When Poems are Suitable for Framing

Ellie dedicates about eighty percent of the time she spends in her shop to designing and printing poems. In an effort to unpack her process, she will show examples of her work while stepping through some of the considerations involved in making design choices—nuts and bolts references to legibility, color, and organization of graphic elements. With her history in traditional graphic design, she brings her fascination with type and letterform to the process.

Ellie Mathews trained as a cartographer and has advanced study in graphic design. She worked professionally in developing software function and user interfaces. She is the author of four books and has won cooking and writing awards. Ellie Mathews has been a sometime letterpress printer for over forty years, recently, more than sometime. Along with her partner, Carl Youngmann, she operates The North Press in Port Townsend, Washington, where she collaborates with poets and others to make limited edition broadsides. Ellie and Carl teach workshops in letterpress fundamentals and methods in DIY, kitchen-sink photopolymer.

Find them at, where you’re welcome to subscribe to their occasional newsletter.

And again, that registration link is


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